Ep 9. Westworld

A mystery box of VHS tapes

Killbots, wounded masculinity, cost-benefit analysis, this film has it all! Yes folks, it’s time to find out just why Boomers are so afraid of robots by talking about 1973’s Westworld. The brainchild and directorial debut of Michael Crichton speaks to our contemporary anxieties about technology, artificial intelligence, and what it takes to be a man in the modern world in 2020 as much as it did in 1973.

And what better way to explore this retro-futuristic vision than on the most obsolete of formats, CED Selectavision. You probably never heard of CED Selectavison, and that’s because no one bought one. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out the comprehensive rundown on CED from Techmoan.